Friday, October 14, 2011

Playful and Sweet

"Hey Van! Let's play something!" That's what she said when she approached me.

"I am not interested", I replied disinterestedly.

"Oh, come on", she held my shoulder and turned me forcefully for me to abandon my work on the table.

"Here", she said without noticing my annoyed facial emotion.

She showed me a right hand thumbs up. On the thumb there was a word, "push" and an arrow down. Curiously, I pushed her thumb down to make her hand forming a fist, she quickly showed her index finger. On the index finger, there was another word said, "turn" and an arrow anticlockwise. After I turned impatiently, I saw another side of her index finger, there was another word, "pull". I began to think that I was stupid, wasting my time with her.

"The last", I thought, I pulled her index finger.

She opened her five finger and on her palm, I saw, "I love you". Instantly, I pushed her head slightly, defeated.

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